CERN Webfest, Mozilla Webmaker

Michael Kohler, Mozilla Rep,

Mozilla Webmaker - Popcorn Maker

Michael Kohler, Mozilla Reps, @KohlerSolutions, @Webmaker

Who am I?

  • Michael Kohler
  • Mozilla Rep

Mozilla Webmaker / Goals

Building the next generation of Webmakers!

  • Create content for the web
  • Get users to not only consume but contribute to the web
  • Teach the fundamentals of how the web works
  • Open to anyone intrested, no special knowledge needed

Mozilla Webmaker in one sentence

make, remix or tweak a website or video while learning how the web works

Popcorn Maker - What it does

  • remix videos on the web for the web
  • take a video, put information on top of it
  • remix any video on the web - cats, dogs, nyan cats? and of course science stuff
  • like any other video editor but simple to use

Popcorn Maker - What it does not

  • it does not rerender the video
  • video content needs to be uploaded somewhere -> no upload feature

Proposal project

  • create one or more awesome videos (remixes or new stuff) with Popcorn Maker
  • maybe explain to children how LHC works and what it is?
  • I'm sure you have great ideas for educational videos -> let's do it!

Who can contribute?

  • anyone!

Graphical interaces are boring...

  • Do you think graphical interfaces are boring and you want to code?
  • There is a popcorn.js library which can do all this too!

Live demo / workshop / discussions

  • Tutorial
  • Come see me at 8pm tonight in the room R1 to see it live
  • Can't wait so long?

Shower Presentation Template

Vadim Makeev, Opera Software

Mozilla styling by Chris Heilmann, Mozilla
