Michael Kohler

Lead Software Engineer

Barcamp Erfurt 2013

2013-08-05 at 23:03:07

On the 15th and 16th of June (long time ago, I know), I was invited to the Barcamp Erfurt 2013. Since I had never been at a Barcamp before, I didn't exactly know what it will be like. I gotta say: Barcamps are awesome!

This year's theme was "youth media", so I had the possibility to talk to tv youth program creators, youth educators and other interesting persons. On Saturday I had the opportunity to talk about Webmaker. My goal was to give an intro and then do an interactive workshop, but unfortunately the participants didn't have a laptop with them. So I did an extended demo and showed the capabilities of the Popcorn Maker, X-Ray Goggles and Thimble.

After the demo a teacher from Germany came up to me and said that he will possibly try to use these tools with his class. I will get in touch with him within next few weeks and give further support.

Since I had my Geeksphone Peak with me, it got a lot of attention and I got asked to do a session about Firefox OS on Sunday. The interest was quite amazing, I let people touch and play with the device and ask questions. Due to the theme of the Barcamp, a discussion about a "kids-friendly" Marketplace came up. In my opinion, Firefox OS provides a great ground for these kind of applications and it would be great to see a "kids-app-only" marketplace.

It was a great weekend and I'll probably join them next year again!

You can find pictures from the Barcamp here.