Michael Kohler

Lead Software Engineer

German-speaking Mozilla Community Meetup February 2014

2014-02-23 at 23:34:25

TL;DR: Great meetup, let's work on our defined goals for 2014!

On the 8th of February 2014 we had our second "German-speaking Mozilla Community" Meetup after rebooting the community. In this blog post I'd like to review the event and tell you about our 2014 goals.

Not 100% achieved 2013 goals

Let's review our goals for 2014


Firefox OS

The different groups will inform about the progress in the #deMeeting on the 5th of March.

Community Building Brainstorming

At the end of the day we had a "Community Building" session. Here's the outcome/brainstorming:

Thanks again for joining us! See all photos on Henrik's flickr page.