Michael Kohler

Lead Software Engineer

MobileCamp Dresden May 2014

2014-05-26 at 22:58:32

On the 10th May I went to the MobileCamp in Dresden, Germany to give a keynote about Firefox OS. One of our community members was asked if Mozilla wants to do the keynote and we thought that this is a great opportunity to tell people in Germany about our mission and our goals we have with Firefox OS.


I held the keynote right after the introduction and session planning on Monday morning. I talked about our Mission, why we're doing Firefox OS and the current state of it. At the end I gave a quick overview of new features to come. After the keynote a few people instantly came to me and asked if they could play with my Firefox OS devices.

You can find the slides here: http://bit.ly/mobilecamp-firefoxos

Saturday evening

On Saturday evening we went to the City Beach in Dresden and we talked about the mobile world and what the future will hold. Once again I could show Firefox OS to the people there and the general feedback was quite good.

Later I met Laura Hilliger and Henrik Skupin to get some drinks and catch up. It was great to talk to local Mozillians.

Rest of the barcamp

Unfortunately I wasn't very well, so I didn't do a second session. Appmaker would be a great thing to have a session on, but there will be another MobileCamp next year or other barcamps in the German speaking countries. I'll definitely keep that in mind.

There were a lot of other, very interesting sessions as well. In some I could provide my view from the "Firefox OS" view point, which led to great discussions.

One guy was very impressed when he experienced the keyboard and noticed that the vibration feedback is instant. I then explained that this is done using the Vibration API.

In conclusion this was a great event and I could have nice discussions about Firefox OS and its eco system.