Michael Kohler

Lead Software Engineer

Mozilla Hacking Day April 2014

2014-05-26 at 22:57:03

On the 26th of April we met in Berlin to have a "Mozilla Hacking Day". After several month of planning, we had a good session plan which sounded interesting. On meetup.com, 55 people rsvp'd and about 17 Mozillians registered to help us out at the event itself.

Mozillians Dinner on Friday

On Friday we met at the hotel and went out for Tapas to plan the last few things for Saturday and have some Mozilla discussions.


Hacking Day on Saturday

On Saturday around 40 people showed up to get to know Mozilla and hack on its projects.

Our schedule:

9:00 - 9:45 BREAKFAST
9:50 - 10:15 Welcome / Introduction to Mozilla Michael Kohler / Julian Viereck
10:20 - 10:35 Next things for Firefox <wip> Tim Taubert
10:40 - 10:55 Firefox OS Development FirefoxOS (Overview/Gaia) Colin Frei
11:00 - 11:15 Mozilla Research Overview Till Schneidereit
11:20 - 11:40 COFFE BREAK
11:40 - 11:55 WebRTC Avinash Kundaliya
12:00 - 12:15 ScanJS - scanning JS for security issues Security (Web, Firefox, Firefox OS, ...) Frederik Braun
12:20 - 12:35
Webmaker Mozilla Webmaker (www.webmaker.org) Michael Kohler
MDN Florian Scholz
12:40 - 13:40 LUNCH BREAK
13:40 - 13:50 Hacking part introduction Introducing contacts, "how to find bugs and get started" Georg Fritzsche
afternoon Mozilla Research (Shumway) and/or JS Engine and/or ES6 goodness Till Schneidereit
afternoon e10s work in Firefox Where we are right now with E10S. What needs to be done. Show & tell Tom Schuster
afternoon Firefox OS Malware Defense and the Firefox OS Crypto Concept Thing have moved and are moving in FxOS app sec space, and I'll update you on where we are and where we (hopefully) are going. I'll also give an introduction to the current FxOS crypto concept proposal. Christiane Ruetten
afternoon Calendar Data for Apps and the Web with ICAL.js There are quite a few simple parsers for the iCalendar format (rfc5545) on the net, but I have seen none that are full featured parsers. As part of my work for the Mozilla Calendar Project, I have created a full featured replacement to the C++ libical used in our product, Lightning. This isn't the only place scheduling is important. In this session I will show you how easily you can use ical.js to schedule on the web in a standards compatible way. Please bring your ideas on how calendaring can be used in your domain. If you want to take a look beforehand, check out https://github.com/mozilla-comm/ical.js Philipp Kewisch
afternoon Mozmill & release testing of Firefox You will see how Mozilla QA makes use of the Mozmill framework in combination with Jenkins to qualify Firefox releases Henrik Skupin

Since we had some overlapping sessions (e.g. talks during other sessions), the attendees needed to choose what they wanted to do after lunch. Some decided to hear the rest of the talks, others went upstairs to hack on the projects. Unfortunately most of the people downstairs didn't come upstairs to hack on something after the talks.

Those hacking upstairs splitted up to the different session tables with Firefox OS being the most popular. Some other tables, unfortunately, were empty. This is one point we need to address for future events (see "Lessions learned" below).


In conclusion we can happily say that this was a great event and we'll follow up on that in autumn. We had a lot of discussions with interested people, mostly about Firefox OS. This was one of the first events where a lot of Mozilla emplyees were present, this is a big advantage and also helps to further improve the coorporation between employees and volunteers.


Lessions learned

A big "Thanks!" goes out to everyone who helped organize it and supported us at the event itself. Also, I'd like to thank co.up which sponsered the venue.

I'm currently planning to do a second Mozilla Hacking Day. This time with more people and all the lessions learned applied. Stay tuned!