Michael Kohler

Lead Software Engineer

EuroPython 2014

2014-11-20 at 21:39:39

Disclaimer: this is an event report from Marco Perez.

Even though we were very happy to see that Mozilla was a sponsor of "EuroPython 2014" and even got its own booth, it felt somehow strange to see it all empty. We hoped that maybe it would be equipped and manned in the afternoon or maybe on tuesday.

But wednesday arrived and the booth remained empty. So I contacted Michael, our rep of the swiss Mozilla community. After he asked me to get some swag from the local Mozilla office in Berlin, Marcel and I formed a plan.


After the last talks we went to the office at Voltastr. Fortunately not everybody had gone home yet. Georg showed us around and provided us with an ample supply of stickers and pins. We even got an original Mozilla lanyard each.

So armed with all those goodies as well as some stuff I had brought to Berlin (a t-shirt, a hoodie and the grand-daddy of all B2G phones (a Samsung Galaxy S2, modified to dual-boot a heavily patched nightly build of Firefox OS)) we prepared a surprise in the attic of the bcc.

Thursday saw a slightly different Mozilla booth with a variety of stickers, pins, a Firefox OS mobile phone, posters with some hints (mozilla.org, getfirefox.com, mozillians.org) and QR codes. Unfortunately we couldn't attend the booth all the time, since there were so many interesting talks we didn't want to miss.

But the stickers and the pins disappeared almost as fast as I could resupply the booth. I began to suspect that maybe just a few afficionados helped themselves very generously. So in order to spread the remaining pins and a few hundred stickers as effectively as possiblr i had to switch tactics: Welcome to guerilla style! :-)


During the breaks i wandered around on all three floors and discretely placed some stickers on the tables where folks were working, reading, coding, eating, drinking, discussing or having fun. Some didn't want them while others asked for a few more to give away.

On friday afternoon I gave the last remaing stickers to the volunteers that had helped keep everything going smoothly and we went to clean up the booth.


Lessons learned