Michael Kohler

Lead Software Engineer

Mozilla Weekend Berlin - Day 2 / Feedback

2015-07-19 at 20:38:51

At the Community Meetup of the German-speaking community back in February we decided to organize a Mozilla Day or Mozilla Weekend in 2015 to get more visible in Berlin, tell people about Mozilla’s mission and projects, and recruit new Mozillians. We did this on July 11th and 12th. This is the post about Day 2. You can read about Day 1 in a previous blog post.

Introducing participants to Bugzilla, quick session by @axelhecht #mozweekend pic.twitter.com/KeZyZgLnbz

— Michael Kohler (@KohlerSolutions) July 12, 2015

Day 2

On Sunday we had several workshops going on in parallel in the Mozilla Office in Berlin. Around 30 attendees joined us and hacked on Firefox, Firefox OS and brainstormed about involved in the Community Creative Team. Since we had coders and designers there, we had a good balance of workshops to participate in.

Heads down hacking at #mozweekend Berlin day 2 pic.twitter.com/tYJw7io7mQ

— Brian King (@brianking) July 12, 2015

Work done (or started) in the workshops:

Further Elio started the Community Design Creative in Germany. They will have their first meetup (physically with Vidyo participation) at the end of the month. This was a group of about 7 persons interested in design. Since we currently only have 2 designers in our German-speaking community I think this is a great addition and has great potential. Let's keep focus on this and keep them engaged!

Deep thinking with @axelhecht and @david_bryant, thanks! :) #mozweekend #Berlin #gratitude pic.twitter.com/5GvMfVxPRb

— Stefania Delprete (@physte3) July 12, 2015

Followup with potential new contributors

Florian, Markus and Mario will follow up with the code contributors in Berlin and organize regular meetups. We still have to figure out a few location questions, but we're on the right track. We had 14 people from the workshops interesting in meeting up again and talk about Mozilla and writing some code. Like that we could also have a group that meets regularly to help out with contribution problems and talk about new things they've been working on. I think that at least 6 people will stick around long-term. This would basically be a 300% increase of volunteers in Berlin!

As already written, Elio will follow up with the designers to create amazing creative assets and improve UX.

Further I think it might be beneficial to organize another Mozilla Weekend style event next year. Let's see how that turns out.

Feedback from participants

At the end of Day 1 we asked people to give feedback. Here's the result (out of 14 responses):

What people liked:

How the understanding of Mozilla and its mission changed:

Other input:

For day 2 I think that all participants were involved enough and could do whatever they wanted to contribute to. We did not do a specific survey for the workshops though. Judged from the interest to follow up I think this was amazing!

Lessions learned

Thanks again for everyone who made this possible! We achieved a lot, let's keep the momentum going!