Michael Kohler

Lead Software Engineer

Mozilla Tech Weekend in Berlin - November 28th & 29th

2015-11-14 at 16:02:14

The Berlin Mozilla Community would like to invite all of you to the Mozilla Tech Weekend on November 28th 2015. There will be tech talks on Saturday and workshops on Sunday.


Kulturkantine Saarbrücker Str. 24, Haus C, Berlin http://www.kuka-berlin.de/lageskizze/

Sign up for free at http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Mozilla-Meetup/events/226461969/

Schedule for Saturday 28th November

After the talks there will be some food and time to get in touch with developers and each other.

On Sunday there will be workshops on similar topics to follow up or get you all set up if you would like to start contributing to Mozilla projects. Sign-up for the workshops will be on-site on Saturday.

Cheers, The Berlin Mozilla Community https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/community-berlin