Mozilla Switzerland - Community Meetup June 2016
2016-09-06 at 21:05:47
On June 20th the Swiss Mozillians met in Zurich to discuss the second half of the year. The goal was to come up with objectives for that are aligned with the current Mozilla strategy and the Participation Team and Mozilla Reps goals.
At first we did a retrospective, here are the key results:
What should we stop doing?
- Discussions on the mailing list
- posting "meta" discussions on Github
- focusing on initiatives we don't have time for
- excluding people from discussions (see "meta discussions")
- focusing on Zurich
- creating single point of failures
- missing to provide clear pathways to contribute when we have a talk
What should we start doing?
- Create a central hub for all resources MozillaCH-related (in terms of "Get involved")
- Focus on a few single strengths we have instead of a lot of single initiatives we can only go so far for
- Start non-linear discussions on discourse
- Have more event locations to get to people that can't come to Zurich or Lausanne
- Be more clear about the strengths of single community members and support them with initiatives that fit into the general direction of Mozilla
- Start using communication channels specific to the audience we want to reach
What should we continue doing?
- Event organization works well
- Github issues for tracking
- Team work at meetups
- Keeping things simple (not having a lot of bureaucracy hassle)
With that in mind, we came up with two objectives. Both are aligned with overall Mozilla strategy pieces. The first one is Core Strength, the second one is Prototyping the Future. None of these Key Results are easy to achieve, but we think that with these we can achieve a good base for the upcoming years.
Objective 1: Grow our core contributor strengths and be amazing at being visible in Switzerland**
- Key Result 1: We have at least 5 core contributors that are active on Discourse
- Key Result 2: 30% of threads on Discourse are created by non Community Focus Group members
- Key Result 3: At least 25 GitHub issues are created from a discussion on Discourse with clear steps on how to implement
- Key Result 4: Have started an at least monthly meetup group around Developer Tools to have "hacking evenings"
- Key Result 5: At least 3 persons are involved in organizing events
- Key Result 6: At least 4 persons are involved in creating content for Twitter tweets and answering mentions
- Key Result 7: The website clearly reflects on where we want people to get involved in MozillaCH covering all functional areas provided on the Wiki page
- Key Result 8: At least 80% of functional areas are covered by at least 2 contact persons
Objective 2: We are a driver in prototyping Firefox for the future**
- Key Result 1: We have started a monthly meetup group around Developer Tools to have hacking evenings, providing guidance to new people to get involved in hacking DevTools
- Key Result 2: We have at least 2 hackathons for 2 different components
- Key Result 3: We have at least 20 confirmed Nightly users who know how to submit bugs
- Key Result 4: We are engaging at least 10 people in QA'ing Servo for specific websites
- Key Result 5: We engage at least 2 persons to work on positron, spidernode or browser.html
What do you find intriguing? What would you like to know more about? Jump into a discussion on Discourse or participate in our GitHub Participation issue repository.